產銷班簡介 嘉義縣阿里山鄉茶山雜糧產銷班成立於2010年莫拉克風災後,不畏艱難的鄒族農民,以原住民最熟悉的集體工作模式,以及不施農藥、化肥,友善大地的方式,共同租地耕作、共同銷售,致力要在自己的土地上找到站起來的機會。2012年產銷班取得有機認證,並建立「茶山良食」的自有品牌行銷市場,產品包括原生種珍穀、天然好筍、手工好糖、優質老薑、薑粉,以及深山苦茶油等。2017年獲得「全國十大績優農業產銷班」的殊榮。同心協力的產銷班在恢復大地生機、生產良食的同時,見證著台灣原住民堅韌活潑的生命力!
Introduction Cayama Agricultural Production and Marketing Group in Alishan of Chiayi County was founded in 2010 after Typhoon Morakot struck central and southern Taiwan. Despite of difficulties, the Tsou indigenous farmers of Alishan were determined to stand on their own feet again. Without using any pesticides or chemical fertilizers, they began eco-friendly and collective farming from production to distribution. In 2012, the group received government organic certification and created its own brand “Cayama Quality Food.” So far, the group produces a variety of quality products, including the Tsou Indigenous Grains, Natural Bamboo Shoots, Handmade Cane Sugar, Quality Ginger, Ginger Powder, and Native Camellia Oil . In 2017, the group was chosen as one of the top 10 agricultural production and marketing groups of the nation. With their collaborative work and their goal of land restoration, the Tsou indigenous farmers continue to produce more quality food and show their perseverance to the world.
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